Beethoven’s Love for You and Pronouns

Körner-Park, Neukölln, Berlin


Ludwig van Beethoven wrote this love song called “Ich liebe dich” (naturally) in 1795 when he was just 25 years old. At that time Vienna’s music circles began to notice him. The composer still had six years to go until he was able to finish his first symphony.

The song’s lyrics are a poem by the pastor Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Herrosee, a contemporary of Beethoven who wrote mainly church songs.

The grammar:

The text is a tender declaration of love, sprinkled with the pronouns ich, dich, du, mich, dir, mir, sie, and uns. They indicate that love is an intensive giving and taking. “Ich” and “du“ are always connected with a verb, in this case they love (ich liebe, du liebst). “Mich” and “dich” are never active, they always receive the action. These different words allow us a different word order depend on the context: “Ich liebe dich” has the same meaning as “Dich liebe ich”.

The pronouns dir and mir play another role in the sentence and, hence, they appear in dative. In the third stanza the narrator wishes God’s blessing “über dir”, marking a position (über = above) where we have to apply the dative pronoun dir (instead of du or dich). Two lines further down, the narrator asks God to keep (erhalten) the lover “to me”, marking an indirect object which takes the dative as well: Gott erhalt (keep) dich (you) mir (to me).

Eventually, in the last line after the back and forth of du, dich and ich, mich we finally reach uns (us), a love poem’s ultimate goal.

The vocabulary:

die Sorge = worry
ertragen = to bear, to endure
der Kummer = sorrow, heart break
die Klagen = (here) lament
trösten = to comfort, to console
schützen = to protect

You can follow text and music with the YouTube link below, the interpretation by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau.


Ich liebe dich, so wie du mich,
Am Abend und am Morgen,
Noch war kein Tag, wo du und ich
Nicht teilten unsre Sorgen.

We use so when we compare two persons, things, or activities when they are the same.
I love you as (so) you love me.
In the third line, the poet uses wo (where) as an relative pronoun where he could (and maybe should) have used “an dem”. However, wo goes with so in the first line. What means grammar to a poet when it disturbs the music of the language?


Auch waren sie für dich und mich
Geteilt leicht zu ertragen;
Du tröstetest im Kummer mich,
Ich weint in deine Klagen.

The word sie in the first line is a pronoun as well. It represents the Sorgen (plural). Twice we find the simple past:
trösten (to console) = trösteten, ich tröstete, du tröstetest (hard to pronounce that’s why we often use the perfect tense in spoken language: du hast getröstet.)
weinen (to cry) = weinten, ich weinte. Here, the poet drops the “e” at the end, a little sacrifice to the flow and the music of the language.


Drum Gottes Segen über dir,
Du, meines Lebens Freude.
Gott schütze dich, erhalt dich mir,
Schütz und erhalt uns beide.
The word drum is a contraction for darum (It means “therefore” or “that’s why” – parents react to their children’s question “warum?” often with “darum”.)
In the second line we encounter the grammatical case that involves possession: joy of my life = Freude meines Lebens, here in the “poet’s genitive, “meines Lebens Freude”.
In line three and four, the narrator asks God to do something (schützen, erhalten) in imperative:
schütze or schütz, and erhalt. Here, in imperative no du is involved.



For a Singer in Berlin, Machen* is the Word

American Lyric Soprano Hannah Moss moves forward except in public transportation.

This blog continues its series of profiles of young international singers who went to Germany to sing and live. Their answers to a small set of questions show what it takes to move to a foreign place, mainly to Berlin, and pursue the career of their dreams. Today: Hannah Moss.

Hannah Moss

Where do you come from?
Connecticut, United States of America

Your Fach?
Lyric Soprano

Since when in Berlin?
March, 2015

Your hero in opera:
Joyce DiDonato

Your heroes in real life:
My parents

Your most recent performance:
The Ballad of East Meets West as part of Specs On International Feminist Art and Music Festival. Opera: Sandmännchen/Taumännchen in Hänsel und Gretel in Berlin.

Your next project, performance, and where:
Opera Gala in Antwerp on December 2nd.

Your favorite role:
Donna Anna

Your favorite quality in a singer:
Having a baseline of a fabulous voice, but being able to act and move. Emoting as a full character and not a park and bark voice. Full connection to the drama of the opera and telling the story.

Two things you like about Berlin:
The atmosphere of creative energy and how international it is: You make friends from all over the world.

Two things you don’t like about Berlin:
How early the sun sets in the winter and bad service in restaurants (not everywhere).

A thing or habit of Germans you find funny:

A thing or habit of Germans you find annoying:
Not moving out of the way of the doors on public transport.

A thing or habit of Germans you would like to see in your country, too:
The respect Germans have for the arts and the financial support they give it without any question.

Your favorite German word:
Machen *

(* The verb machen means to do something, to make something, to render, to create. AIF)









Tosca Likes to See a Ruhetag for Everyone


What Maria King thinks of Regietheater and scolding in public

With the presentation of Maria King, a Dramatic Soprano from California, this blog continues to publish a series of profiles of young international singers who went to Germany to sing and live. Their answers to a small set of questions show what it takes to move to a foreign place, mainly to Berlin, and pursue the career of their dreams.


Your name:
Maria King

Where are you from?
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Your Fach?
Dramatic soprano

Since when in Berlin?
June 2013

Your favorite role:
Floria Tosca

What do you think of Regietheater?
Sometimes tries too hard to be edgy or shoehorn the opera into the “concept” without honoring the intentions of the original work.

Best opera production you saw in Germany:
Not in Germany, but Un Ballo in Maschera at Wiener Staatsoper

Craziest opera production you saw in Germany:
So many! Maria Stuarda at Berliner Staatsoper, Un Ballo in Maschera, also at Staatsoper

Your last performance:
Some concerts; Mother in Hänsel and Gretel

Your favorite German words:
Steckdose! Muskatnuss. Sumpfotter.*

A thing or habit of Germans you find funny:
Responding to a compliment with “I know!” For example: “Nice dress!” “I know!”

A thing or habit of Germans you find annoying: Beschimpfen (to scold, AIF) people on the street for doing wrong or illegal things.

A thing or habit of Germans you would like to see in your country, too:
A Ruhetag** in which people just chill.

Your favorite quality in a singer:
Good technical singing! (It should go without saying!)

* Steckdose stems from the verb stecken (to put something into something else) and Dose (can). It is a can where you can put something. Steckdose = power outlet. (The plug is called Stecker.) Muskatnuss = nutmeg; Sumpfotter is a compound of Sumpf (swamp) and Otter (otter). A Sumpfotter is a mink. (AIF)

** Ruhetag = day of rest, day off or holiday. (AIF)


Listen to Maria King’s singing:

Watch Maria King singing:

You can see her with me tackling some German grammar in this blog’s video: